111 Contracting Company Theme Apex - CNR Group Insat Customer Story
Templatic – Best Premium WordPress Themes for 2022

Customer Story – CNR Group Insat – Apex WordPress Theme

We are a digital agency based in Istanbul with name Nicea Consulting. We are developing web and e-commerce projects for our clients. Our client is an important contracting company in Istanbul. They choose us to develop CNR Group Insat site. We can serve our projects very good-looking. Contracting are important for Istanbul, there are a lot of competition. So we need a wonderful web site, and the theme is very enough for this.


It was very easy for us because of a great support team and very good theme documentation.

Top 2 theme features with most benefits

Other challenges unique to running the business

No, we are not facing any such challenges to running the business. For now, everything is okay.


We are focused just about our brands. Our customers loves our buildings and call us for detailed information. We know, it is very classical model, but still works.

Third party plugins which worked great with Apex

Thanks to Nicea Consulting for their time on this case study with us.

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