With the development of digital technologies, virtual space has gained immense importance and become more complex. Straightforward static presentation of information has evolved into an interesting and exciting process. But the secret of success remains unchanged. It all depends on how the user evaluates your work. Like the first impression of a person, the first acquaintance with a company website can either attract or repel. The level of usability directly affects the success of your business. It determines whether the user will buy something, whether one will return to the site and become a regular customer of the company. UI/UX design works as a linking element in the relationship between customers and a particular company. In 2023, it becomes one of the drivers of the site ranking in search engines.
Of course, creating an efficient UI/UX design takes time as it is done in several stages. At the very least, it requires performing competitor research, designing a concept, and building a prototype before the final design is implemented. You can check the detailed description of the process on this website. Obviously, you will also need a team of specialists to execute the UI/UX project.
What Is UI/UX Design?
UX and UI help sort out one of the biggest challenges when it comes to websites — they allow creating products that people will use with ease and pleasure. In simple terms, UI/UX design’s main task is to make the product clear and aesthetic.
Earlier sites were designed based on the wishes and preferences of the customer. Now, everything is focused on the user’s expectations. When a user is comfortable with your web resource, they easily navigate it, often visit and surf through pages, make purchases — the site’s traffic increases, and, consequently, its position becomes stronger.
UX design is in charge of the adaptability and functionality of a particular product, as well as certain emotions that it evokes. The simpler, more accessible, and convenient the site interface is, the easier it will be for the user to find the information they need or make an online purchase.
UI design is UX visualization. The UI designer is responsible for the convenience of the site’s or application’s interface. The main task is to enable the user to work with the content as intuitively as possible. The UI designer has a variety of tools (fonts, graphics, buttons, visuals) at their disposal, which they use to optimize a specific interface.
UI/UX Benefits for Business
There is a direct dependence between UI/UX and the profit of the company. Moreover, the efficient UI/UX design influences both the cost of an individual product and the value of a company in the market.
UI/UX boosts customer loyalty
No matter whether you are selling goods or services, the success of your business depends on customers. So increasing your audience loyalty is the number-one task. What is the role of UX here? You should create a resource that will fully meet customer expectations. Your website must be informative, usable, and accessible to the customers. Satisfied customers are more likely to make new orders, purchase additional products, renew membership, give positive reviews, and stay away from other brands.
Reduced promotion costs
If you devote enough attention to UI/UX design at the early stages of your project and implement optimized features, you will minimize the costs spent on marketing efforts. A positive user experience makes your customers the brand’s best advocates, who not only buy your product but also share good feedback about it, for example, on social media. This communication channel is efficient and free.
Increased sales
People want products and services that fully meet their needs, that are easy and enjoyable to use. Products that provide a good user experience will be sold better. Since the market competition is high, people won’t spend a lot of time sorting out the available options. They will opt for a company that provides a better user experience.
According to a Microsoft study, a person’s attention span is only 8 seconds. It means users can focus on your website or app for just 8 seconds. After that, they either stay or leave.
UI/UX design saves time and costs
Introducing UI/UX design at the early stage of product development may seem costly and time-consuming. However, this approach actually saves resources, allowing you to find the right solution or fix problems at the outset when it is easy and affordable.
It is a completely different story when you try to change the UI/UX design of an existing site. Imagine what awaits your business if you decide to add new features to your website when it is already used by thousands of people.
Solving a UI/UX problem at the development stage is 10 times more expensive than at the design stage, and 100 times more expensive if you’re trying to fix a problem with an already released product.
Increased user interaction
Any online business should make a user its priority. However, it is not possible without investing in UI/UX design.
A well-organized interface helps you understand the reaction of users towards your business. For example, you can create a comments section where users will share their experiences and opinions. In addition, you can make a web page more personalized and use text or images that are specific to each site visitor.
High rates of conversions
One of the most important reasons why you need a great UI/UX design is to attract more customers. By providing an engaging user interface, you can be sure that visitors will return to your site again and again. Conversion rates will increase.
Without a doubt, any good UI/UX design should include calls to action at certain points on the web page. With these buttons, you can encourage visitors to buy products.
Wrapping Up
Companies are increasingly focusing on UI/UX in order to reach a competitive edge in the market race. The impact of UI/UX design on business will continue to grow. Timely investing in UI/UX design will become a financial gain for the business. You will enjoy not only increased revenue but also lower costs, better customer retention, and higher search ratings.